get fit with britt // chest

Welcome back to Get Fit with Britt! I'm going to be posting some demos of my fave exercises taught at Pure Barre Williamsburg, with the help of their awesome instructors. Pure Barre is a fast, effective, and most importantly, safe way to change your body, and follows a technique that's high-intensity, but low impact to protect your joints! Thanks to Pure Barre, I have been able to build long, lean (not bulky!) muscles while tapering everything in & lifting it up! For this series, we will pick a particular move, explain the focus area and correct form, then demonstrate it so you can practice at home! That way, if/when you come to the studio yourself, you'll be rocking the moves & way ahead of the game ;) These exercises are also a great way to get fit on-the-go! I find myself regularly using Pure Barre exercises during my hotel room workouts. Additionally, you can get all the outfits I'm wearing at the Pure Barre Williamsburg studio, so definitely go by if you're looking for some fun, new workout gear! Come & join me, get that healthy & strong body you've always wanted- come Get Fit with Britt!

Today's workout focuses on the chest. While it's easy to focus most of your arm work in the triceps and biceps, it's important to work the chest muscles as well! It is the area that gets shown off when you wear a tank top, after all. Try to keep your neck and shoulders relaxed throughout this exercise- holding tension here doesn't help you! Instead, keep your arms lifted to shoulder height and your elbows wide so that you can effectively tone that tank top line! Do ten reps of each move, and repeat the sequence three times to get the chest muscles pumping!

*I am not a trainer or health professional, so please consult one if you feel you're doing something wrong or could potentially injure yourself.

get fit with britt // outer seat

Welcome back to Get Fit with Britt! I'm going to be posting some demos of my fave exercises taught at Pure Barre Williamsburg, with the help of their awesome instructors. Pure Barre is a fast, effective, and most importantly, safe way to change your body, and follows a technique that's high-intensity, but low impact to protect your joints! Thanks to Pure Barre, I have been able to build long, lean (not bulky!) muscles while tapering everything in & lifting it up! For this series, we will pick a particular move, explain the focus area and correct form, then demonstrate it so you can practice at home! That way, if/when you come to the studio yourself, you'll be rocking the moves & way ahead of the game ;) These exercises are also a great way to get fit at home or on-the-go! I find myself regularly using Pure Barre exercises during my hotel room workouts. Additionally, you can get all the outfits I'm wearing at the Pure Barre Williamsburg studio, so definitely go by if you're looking for some fun, new workout gear! Come & join me, get that healthy & strong body you've always wanted- come Get Fit with Britt!

Today's exercise focuses on your butt! I love it because while the focus is on your outer seat, it truly is a full body workout! This move requires some serious balance and core strength so that you can make slow and controlled movements targeting your tush! This is a great area to focus on when you want to give some nicely defined shape to your butt. The small, subtle movements really target your outer seat, helping to lift and tone throughout. Be sure to keep your core tucked in tight, and actively press your hand down into the ball for an extra challenge and added resistance!

*I am not a trainer or health professional, so please consult one if you feel you're doing something wrong or could potentially injure yourself.

get fit with britt // outer thighs

Welcome back to Get Fit with Britt! I'm going to be posting some demos of my fave exercises taught at Pure Barre Williamsburg, with the help of their awesome instructors. Pure Barre is a fast, effective, and most importantly, safe way to change your body, and follows a technique that's high-intensity, but low impact to protect your joints! Thanks to Pure Barre, I have been able to build long, lean (not bulky!) muscles while tapering everything in & lifting it up! For this series, we will pick a particular move, explain the focus area and correct form, then demonstrate it so you can practice at home! That way, if/when you come to the studio yourself, you'll be rocking the moves & way ahead of the game ;) These exercises are also a great way to get fit at home or on-the-go! I find myself regularly using Pure Barre exercises during my hotel room workouts. Additionally, you can get all the outfits I'm wearing at the Pure Barre Williamsburg studio, so definitely go by if you're looking for some fun, new workout gear! Come & join me, get that healthy & strong body you've always wanted- come Get Fit with Britt!

Today's exercise focuses on outer thighs, which can be a frustrating area that many women find hard to tone. By standing with your feet wider than hip width, rising onto your tip-toes, and bending your seat down to knee level, this move really allows you to get to the core of your thigh work. Make sure you keep a straight back, long neck & relaxed shoulders as you move up/down. For an added challenge, you can raise your right arm straight up to the ceiling as you pulse. Once you get deep into this thigh sequence, your thighs will start to tremble & shake- but try not to come out of form! This just means your body is working hard & starting to change for the better!

*I am not a trainer or health professional, so please consult one if you feel you're doing something wrong or could potentially injure yourself.

fave products // paula's choice skin perfecting BHA liquid


Throughout my skincare foray into various brands, Paula's Choice is a name that kept popping up again and again. Admittedly, I didn't know much about them, but after hearing the word "cult following" affiliated with this product, I figured I'd better check it out. Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid works kind of like a toner, but one that is also great for sensitive skin, which I love. I hate when products feel like they're burning off your skin, am I right?? Not the case here! This liquid works to give you radiant, even-toned skin by simultaneously reducing redness and building collagen, which smooths fine lines and wrinkles. The 2% BHA (beta hydroxy acid) content helps to unclog and diminish any enlarged pores you may have as well, making this one seriously potent yet totally gentle exfoliant! It's even clinically proven to be non-irritating, and is fragrance free! I like to use this every other night or so (I rotate with my Cane + Austin retexture pads), and apply with a cotton round after cleansing. With this impressive list of benefits, it's easy to imagine Paula's Choice products to be crazy expensive, but the opposite is actually true! I highly recommend trying it out for yourself soon. 

* This post may contain affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, it won’t cost you a penny more, but I’ll earn a small commission. This allows me to continue to generate content for you, and helps keep the site up and running. Thanks for your support! 

get fit with britt // lower abs

Welcome back to Get Fit with Britt! I'm going to be posting some demos of my fave exercises taught at Pure Barre Williamsburg, with the help of their awesome instructors. Pure Barre is a fast, effective, and most importantly, safe way to change your body, and follows a technique that's high-intensity, but low impact to protect your joints! Thanks to Pure Barre, I have been able to build long, lean (not bulky!) muscles while tapering everything in & lifting it up! For this series, we will pick a particular move, explain the focus area and correct form, then demonstrate it so you can practice at home! That way, if/when you come to the studio yourself, you'll be rocking the moves & way ahead of the game ;) These exercises are also a great way to get fit at home or on-the-go! I find myself regularly using Pure Barre exercises during my hotel room workouts. Additionally, you can get all the outfits I'm wearing at the Pure Barre Williamsburg studio, so definitely go by if you're looking for some fun, new workout gear! Come & join me, get that healthy & strong body you've always wanted- come Get Fit with Britt!

Today's exercise focuses on the abs. People are always curious how I get such toned abdominal muscles, and it's definitely a body part I work hard at and am proud of. Pure Barre has a nice focus on core work, and this exercise is one in particular that is key to getting a flat & toned tummy. In addition, a strong midsection can help stabilize and protect your lower back, while giving you the bikini confidence you crave. Leg drops and leg raises create a challenging yet effective exercise, and holding the legs at your lowest point of control will have you really feeling the burn. Be sure to keep your lower back pressed into the ground the entire time for best results, and do 3 sets of 8-12 reps each.

*I am not a trainer or health professional, so please consult one if you feel you're doing something wrong or could potentially injure yourself.

fave products // osmia organics black clay facial soap

I know I've mentioned this before, but I have very sensitive skin, and am therefore quite conscious of the products I use. Over the last couple years, I started to get small outbreaks of a condition known as perioral dermatitis, which caused me to pay even closer attention to certain ingredients, in particular. After multiple dermatologist visits and tons of personal research, I discovered there are many different causes and triggering ingredients, which vary from person to person. One of the best changes I made in my own skincare routine, however, was switching to Osmia Organics Black Clay Facial Soap. Australian clay and Dead Sea mud work their magic to balance and tone the skin, while almond, avocado, and castor bean oils condition and nourish it. I can honestly say this has been a game-changing cleanser for me, as it has greatly reduced any dermatitis outbreaks and does not irritate my skin in the least. Although these days a bar soap may seem a bit out of the norm, this little guy lathers up wonderfully thanks to coconut oil, and lasts for a very long time. Not to mention it's super convenient to toss in your travel bag! Don’t forget to snag a Soap Saver to keep your bar clean, and give it a nice spot to dry once you’re finished using it. The exceptional, natural ingredients found in Osmia Organics products have completely sold me, and make this a skincare brand worth investing in.