get fit with britt // outer thighs

Welcome back to Get Fit with Britt! I'm going to be posting some demos of my fave exercises taught at Pure Barre Williamsburg, with the help of their awesome instructors. Pure Barre is a fast, effective, and most importantly, safe way to change your body, and follows a technique that's high-intensity, but low impact to protect your joints! Thanks to Pure Barre, I have been able to build long, lean (not bulky!) muscles while tapering everything in & lifting it up! For this series, we will pick a particular move, explain the focus area and correct form, then demonstrate it so you can practice at home! That way, if/when you come to the studio yourself, you'll be rocking the moves & way ahead of the game ;) These exercises are also a great way to get fit at home or on-the-go! I find myself regularly using Pure Barre exercises during my hotel room workouts. Additionally, you can get all the outfits I'm wearing at the Pure Barre Williamsburg studio, so definitely go by if you're looking for some fun, new workout gear! Come & join me, get that healthy & strong body you've always wanted- come Get Fit with Britt!

Today's exercise focuses on outer thighs, which can be a frustrating area that many women find hard to tone. By standing with your feet wider than hip width, rising onto your tip-toes, and bending your seat down to knee level, this move really allows you to get to the core of your thigh work. Make sure you keep a straight back, long neck & relaxed shoulders as you move up/down. For an added challenge, you can raise your right arm straight up to the ceiling as you pulse. Once you get deep into this thigh sequence, your thighs will start to tremble & shake- but try not to come out of form! This just means your body is working hard & starting to change for the better!

*I am not a trainer or health professional, so please consult one if you feel you're doing something wrong or could potentially injure yourself.

get fit with britt // inner & outer thighs

Welcome back to Get Fit with Britt! I'm going to be posting some demos of my fave exercises taught at Pure Barre Williamsburg, with the help of their awesome instructors. Pure Barre is a fast, effective, and most importantly, safe way to change your body, and follows a technique that's high-intensity, but low impact to protect your joints! Thanks to Pure Barre, I have been able to build long, lean (not bulky!) muscles while tapering everything in & lifting it up! For this series, we will pick a particular move, explain the focus area and correct form, then demonstrate it so you can practice at home! That way, if/when you come to the studio yourself, you'll be rocking the moves & way ahead of the game ;) These exercises are also a great way to get fit on-the-go! I find myself regularly using Pure Barre exercises during my hotel room workouts. Additionally, you can get all the outfits I'm wearing at the Pure Barre Williamsburg studio, so definitely go by if you're looking for some fun, new workout gear! Come & join me, get that healthy & strong body you've always wanted- come Get Fit with Britt!

Today's workout focuses on thighs, specifically your inner & outer thighs. Stay up high on your tip toes, with your heels together & toes apart, maintain a relaxed grip on the bar, and as always, keep your hips tucked under. As you move your legs in & out, make sure to control the movement in both directions (by contracting those leg muscles!), so that you can effectively work both the inner and outer thighs at the same time. Sink your seat down low to maximize the burn! Do three sets of 10 reps of each movement for a workout that's sure to get your legs nice and toned!

*I am not a trainer or health professional, so please consult one if you feel you're doing something wrong or could potentially injure yourself.

get fit with britt // back of leg

Welcome back to Get Fit with Britt! I'm going to be posting some demos of my fave exercises taught at Pure Barre Williamsburg, with the help of their awesome instructors. Pure Barre is a fast, effective, and most importantly, safe way to change your body, and follows a technique that's high-intensity, but low impact to protect your joints! Thanks to Pure Barre, I have been able to build long, lean (not bulky!) muscles while tapering everything in & lifting it up! For this series, we will pick a particular move, explain the focus area and correct form, then demonstrate it so you can practice at home! That way, if/when you come to the studio yourself, you'll be rocking the moves & way ahead of the game ;) These exercises are also a great way to get fit on-the-go! I find myself regularly using Pure Barre exercises during my hotel room workouts. Additionally, you can get all the outfits I'm wearing at the Pure Barre Williamsburg studio, so definitely go by if you're looking for some fun, new workout gear! Come & join me, get that healthy & strong body you've always wanted- come Get Fit with Britt!

Today's workout focuses on the back side of your leg, where your seat meats your thigh (AKA your pure barre ledge). Balance is key here, so be sure to contract your abs to help keep your core pulled in. This will help center your weight, so you can remain nice and leveled. Keep a soft bend in your elbows, and try not to arch your back as you hover your knees over the ground. By tucking your hips under with each press up of the leg, you'll be able to keep those opposing motions in check. Do 10 reps of each movement, and repeat the sequence three times on each leg for a killer lower body exercise.

*I am not a trainer or health professional, so please consult one if you feel you're doing something wrong or could potentially injure yourself.

get fit with britt // lower body

Welcome back to Get Fit with Britt! I'm going to be posting some demos of my fave exercises taught at Pure Barre Williamsburg, with the help of their awesome instructors. Pure Barre is a fast, effective, and most importantly, safe way to change your body, and follows a technique that's high-intensity, but low impact to protect your joints! Thanks to Pure Barre, I have been able to build long, lean (not bulky!) muscles while tapering everything in & lifting it up! For this series, we will pick a particular move, explain the focus area and correct form, then demonstrate it so you can practice at home! That way, if/when you come to the studio yourself, you'll be rocking the moves & way ahead of the game ;) These exercises are also a great way to get fit at home or on-the-go! I find myself regularly using Pure Barre exercises during my hotel room workouts. Additionally, you can get all the outfits I'm wearing at the Pure Barre Williamsburg studio, so definitely go by if you're looking for some fun, new workout gear! Come & join me, get that healthy & strong body you've always wanted- come Get Fit with Britt!

Today's exercise tones your entire lower body! This is the last working part of a typical Pure Barre class, and it's the perfect ending because you can really just let loose, leave it all on the mat, and tuck it out to the music! Rest your upper body on the mat, with your arms by your sides, and place your feet wider than hip width. As you lift your seat into a lower body bridge and start to tuck your hips in a strong, solid movement, you'll change the position of your feet from flexed, to flat, to tip toes. This larger range of motion really allows you to target and fatigue all the areas of your lower body, as opposed to just one, specific location. Now crank up the music, and get to tucking!

*I am not a trainer or health professional, so please consult one if you feel you're doing something wrong or could potentially injure yourself.

get fit with britt // pure barre ledge

Welcome back to Get Fit with Britt! I'm going to be posting some demos of my fave exercises taught at Pure Barre Williamsburg, with the help of their awesome instructors. Pure Barre is a fast, effective, and most importantly, safe way to change your body, and follows a technique that's high-intensity, but low impact to protect your joints! Thanks to Pure Barre, I have been able to build long, lean (not bulky!) muscles while tapering everything in & lifting it up! For this series, we will pick a particular move, explain the focus area and correct form, then demonstrate it so you can practice at home! That way, if/when you come to the studio yourself, you'll be rocking the moves & way ahead of the game ;) These exercises are also a great way to get fit at home or on-the-go! I find myself regularly using Pure Barre exercises during my hotel room workouts. Additionally, you can get all the outfits I'm wearing at the Pure Barre Williamsburg studio, so definitely go by if you're looking for some fun, new workout gear! Come & join me, get that healthy & strong body you've always wanted- come Get Fit with Britt!

Today's exercise focuses on the area where your seat meets the back of your leg. At Pure Barre, we call this area your "pure barre ledge", because you're essentially working to create a ledge where your booty pops out from the back of your legs. I love this position because, yet again, you get to relax most of your body on the ground (do you see a trend here?), all while really focusing the work on your seat. Adding a resistance band around your ankle adds an extra challenge here, but feel free to do this exercise without it as well. Rest your head on your arms, flex your foot, and keep your hips tucked under. Make sure to initiate each movement with a squeeze in the back of your seat as opposed to just moving your leg. This will ensure you maintain a smaller range of movement, and are able to tone the target area effectively. Repeat three sets of ten reps for a killer seat workout!

*I am not a trainer or health professional, so please consult one if you feel you're doing something wrong or could potentially injure yourself.