get fit with britt // thighs

Welcome back to Get Fit with Britt! I'm going to be posting some demos of my fave exercises taught at Pure Barre Williamsburg, with the help of their awesome instructors. Pure Barre is a fast, effective, and most importantly, safe way to change your body, and follows a technique that's high-intensity, but low impact to protect your joints! Thanks to Pure Barre, I have been able to build long, lean (not bulky!) muscles while tapering everything in & lifting it up! For this series, we will pick a particular move, explain the focus area and correct form, then demonstrate it so you can practice at home! That way, if/when you come to the studio yourself, you'll be rocking the moves & way ahead of the game ;) These exercises are also a great way to get fit on-the-go! I find myself regularly using Pure Barre exercises during my hotel room workouts. Additionally, you can get all the outfits I'm wearing at the Pure Barre Williamsburg studio, so definitely go by if you're looking for some fun, new workout gear! Come & join me, get that healthy & strong body you've always wanted- come Get Fit with Britt!

Today's workout focuses on all sides of the thighs. This twist on a classic lunge really burns out my thighs, getting them into their shake-zone immediately. Make sure you stay up on your tip toes, with your back upright. Keep an isometric hold on your (bent) standing leg as you move the other leg backwards and forwards. Also make sure you don't have a strong, tense grip on the barre, but instead use it to test your balance! Do 10 reps of each movement, and repeat the sequence three times on each leg for a killer lower body exercise.

*I am not a trainer or health professional, so please consult one if you feel you're doing something wrong or could potentially injure yourself.

fave products // sunday riley martian & u.f.o.


By now y'all know that Sunday Riley is one of my go-to brands for safe, yet effective skincare. From the cleansing balm to the night oil, I'm a huge fan. Sunday Riley's newest products, U.F.O Ultra-Clarifying Face Oil and Martian Mattifying Melting Water-Gel Toner (love the space-themed names!), are geared towards those with oily to acne-prone skin. I strive to take good care of my skin, and am also lucky that for the most part, it's clear and blemish-free. Occasionally, however, I'll have a breakout due to hormones, stress, weather, etc., and when that time comes, I reach for these two products. Martian starts as a cooling gel, then transforms to a water toner, which clarifies, removes oil, and tightens pores for visibly clearer skin. Bentonite clay helps mattify the skin and reduce pore size, while green tea and marshmallow help to soothe and reduce redness. Several extracts work their magic here: cucumber and witch hazel extracts tighten and tone the skin, while Manuka, black cumin and magnolia bark extracts boast antibacterial and healing properties. Once the toner is absorbed, my skin is prepped for U.F.O. application. This medicated dry oil absorbs super quickly, helping to clear congested pores, treat and prevent acne, as well as smooth fine lines and wrinkles. Salicylic acid is at work here, along with tea tree oil and black cumin seed oil, to help clear potentially pore-clogging debris and promote clear skin. Milk thistle and cucumber seed oil add hydration, and prevent any dryness potentially caused by the salicylic acid, while licorice helps to brighten and even the skin tone. Talk about a killer 1-2 punch! These two are also great to throw in your gym bag, as these potent ingredients work wonders to prevent post-workout breakouts! And as with all Sunday Riley products, you won't find parabens, sulfates, or phthalates in Martian or U.F.O, making them an all-around excellent choice for healthier, clearer skin!


get fit with britt // biceps

Welcome back to Get Fit with Britt! I'm going to be posting some demos of my fave exercises taught at Pure Barre Williamsburg, with the help of their awesome instructors. Pure Barre is a fast, effective, and most importantly, safe way to change your body, and follows a technique that's high-intensity, but low impact to protect your joints! Thanks to Pure Barre, I have been able to build long, lean (not bulky!) muscles while tapering everything in & lifting it up! For this series, we will pick a particular move, explain the focus area and correct form, then demonstrate it so you can practice at home! That way, if/when you come to the studio yourself, you'll be rocking the moves & way ahead of the game ;) These exercises are also a great way to get fit at home or on-the-go! I find myself regularly using Pure Barre exercises during my hotel room workouts. Additionally, you can get all the outfits I'm wearing at the Pure Barre Williamsburg studio, so definitely go by if you're looking for some fun, new workout gear! Come & join me, get that healthy & strong body you've always wanted- come Get Fit with Britt!

Today's exercise tones your biceps, with an added little thigh bonus thrown in for fun! I use light two pound weights here, but feel free to choose whatever works for you. As you curl your arms inward, try to refrain from swinging up and down (the upper half of your arms should be in an isometric hold), and really focus the work in your biceps. The resistance band around your thighs adds an extra challenge if you're up for it, but this exercise is still highly effective without it. Just make sure you keep your floating leg super straight and toes pointed regardless! Trust me, this move will really test your balance, but keeping your core pulled in tight should help keep you on track!  Do 10 reps of each movement, and repeat the sequence three times to burn out those biceps!

*I am not a trainer or health professional, so please consult one if you feel you're doing something wrong or could potentially injure yourself.

fave products // lano 101 ointment multipurpose superbalm


I'm all about a good lip ointment, and when I find one that really does its job, I get super excited (nerd, I know)! Lano Lips 101 Ointment Multipurpose Superbalm is thick, hydrating, and long-lasting. Since it's made from lanolin, it closely resembles and mimics our own skin oils, allowing it to penetrate deep under the skin to seal in moisture. I use it regularly on my lips, but it works equally as well on dry cuticles, minor burns, and even eczema and psoriasis! I also have friends who have raved about its healing abilities for nursing moms and babies too! Lano recently released exclusive 101 Ointment Fruities (in strawberry & peach), and they are great for whenever you want the same nourishing qualities of the original, but with an extra pop of flavor from natural fruit extract. One of Lano's best qualities in my opinion is that its products are free of parabens, sulfates, and fragrance, making them great for sensitive skin like mine.

fave products // bumble & bumble hairdresser's invisible oil & primer


Two of my must-have hair products for the colder months are Bumble & Bumble Hairdresser's Invisible Oil and Primer. My hair tends to dry out pretty easily this time of year, becoming more fragile and delicate, so I find that it's super important to take the extra steps necessary for added nourishment and protection. The primer is a great multitasking pre-styler, so use this first if you have plans to style with other products and tools. Both the oil and primer contain six super lightweight oils (grapeseed, safflower seed, sweet almond, macadamia nut, argan, and coconut) that work to soften & smooth, detangle and de-frizz, and protect against breakage from heat & UV damage. By putting the primer in a spray bottle, Bumble & Bumble allows for a light application that will not weigh your hair down. In fact, sometimes I'll spritz it into my damp hair as a leave-in conditioner, and be on my way! With the oil, on the other hand, a little goes a long way, so careful not to over apply! It's my go-to in evenings (post-shower), so that my hair can soak up the oils overnight while I sleep, and look fresh and healthy come morning!

get fit with britt // lower body

Welcome back to Get Fit with Britt! I'm going to be posting some demos of my fave exercises taught at Pure Barre Williamsburg, with the help of their awesome instructors. Pure Barre is a fast, effective, and most importantly, safe way to change your body, and follows a technique that's high-intensity, but low impact to protect your joints! Thanks to Pure Barre, I have been able to build long, lean (not bulky!) muscles while tapering everything in & lifting it up! For this series, we will pick a particular move, explain the focus area and correct form, then demonstrate it so you can practice at home! That way, if/when you come to the studio yourself, you'll be rocking the moves & way ahead of the game ;) These exercises are also a great way to get fit at home or on-the-go! I find myself regularly using Pure Barre exercises during my hotel room workouts. Additionally, you can get all the outfits I'm wearing at the Pure Barre Williamsburg studio, so definitely go by if you're looking for some fun, new workout gear! Come & join me, get that healthy & strong body you've always wanted- come Get Fit with Britt!

Today's exercise tones your entire lower body! This is the last working part of a typical Pure Barre class, and it's the perfect ending because you can really just let loose, leave it all on the mat, and tuck it out to the music! Rest your upper body on the mat, with your arms by your sides, and place your feet wider than hip width. As you lift your seat into a lower body bridge and start to tuck your hips in a strong, solid movement, you'll change the position of your feet from flexed, to flat, to tip toes. This larger range of motion really allows you to target and fatigue all the areas of your lower body, as opposed to just one, specific location. Now crank up the music, and get to tucking!

*I am not a trainer or health professional, so please consult one if you feel you're doing something wrong or could potentially injure yourself.