get fit with britt // pregnancy seat

Welcome back to Get Fit with Britt! I'm going to be posting some demos of my fave exercises taught at my new local barre studio, Bar Method Silver Lake, with the help of their awesome instructors. The Bar Method is a fast, effective, and most importantly, safe way to change your body, and follows a technique that's high-intensity, but low impact to protect your joints! Thanks to barre classes, I have been able to build long, lean (not bulky!) muscles while tapering everything in & lifting it up! For this series, we will pick a particular move, explain the focus area and correct form, then demonstrate it so you can practice at home! That way, if/when you come to the studio yourself, you'll be rocking the moves & way ahead of the game ;) These exercises are also a great way to get fit on-the-go! I find myself regularly using barre exercises during my hotel room workouts. Additionally, you can get the outfit I'm wearing at the Bar Method Silver Lake studio, so definitely go by if you're looking for some fun, new workout gear! Come & join me, get that healthy & strong body you've always wanted- come Get Fit with Britt!

Today's exercise focuses on the glutes, both the side of your seat (gluteus medius) and back of your seat (gluteus maximus). First, for your outer seat, we will do a modification of arabesque. By staying in a more diagonal position while pregnant, you’re able to keep the pressure out of you’re lower back, yet still target your tush with slow, targeted movements of the leg. Keep your hip turned out slightly to keep the focus of the work in your gluteus medius. For the back of your seat and hamstring, we will do a modification of foldover. Once again, we still stay in a more diagonal position to keep any extra strain out of the back. The small, subtle movements really target your seat, helping to lift and tone throughout, and adding nice definition to your glutes! Don’t forget to keep your hips tucked under! For both diagonal in a turned out position (modification for arabesque) and diagonal in a parallel position (modification for foldover), do about 40-60 lifts, or approximately 2.5 minutes on each side.

PS- Here’s a link to the Bar Method blog for some extra prenatal barre tips!

*I am not a trainer or health professional, so please consult one if you feel you're doing something wrong or could potentially injure yourself.

 * This post may contain affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, it won’t cost you a penny more, but I’ll earn a small commission. This allows me to continue to generate content for you, and helps keep the site up and running. Thanks for your support! 

get fit with britt // pregnancy abs

Welcome back to Get Fit with Britt! I'm going to be posting some demos of my fave exercises taught at my new local barre studio, Bar Method Silver Lake, with the help of their awesome instructors. The Bar Method is a fast, effective, and most importantly, safe way to change your body, and follows a technique that's high-intensity, but low impact to protect your joints! Thanks to barre classes, I have been able to build long, lean (not bulky!) muscles while tapering everything in & lifting it up! For this series, we will pick a particular move, explain the focus area and correct form, then demonstrate it so you can practice at home! That way, if/when you come to the studio yourself, you'll be rocking the moves & way ahead of the game ;) These exercises are also a great way to get fit on-the-go! I find myself regularly using barre exercises during my hotel room workouts. Additionally, you can get the outfit I'm wearing at the Bar Method Silver Lake studio, so definitely go by if you're looking for some fun, new workout gear! Come & join me, get that healthy & strong body you've always wanted- come Get Fit with Britt!

Today's exercise focuses on abs, specifically that abdominal exercises that are pregnancy safe! It’s important to keep a strong core during pregnancy, as this can help in labor and delivery, as well as quicken your recovery time. However, some positions aren’t safe for you or baby as your bump grows. This is a modification for low curl with your feet down. By adding 3-4 risers (or use something like this, or even a few pillows) for extra support, you’re really able to take the pressure off of your lower back. Be sure to keep your abs pulled in (navel to spine!) and hips tucked under, and most importantly- don’t forget to breathe! Even if you don’t take the challenge options (arms forward and curling forward), as long as you’re breathing, this exercise is super effective. Deep breaths help me keep focused, and allow me to really target my deep core! Do three sets of twenty exhales either holding on, extending your arms forward, or adding a small curl to match your breath.

PS- Here’s a link to the Bar Method blog for some extra prenatal barre tips!

*I am not a trainer or health professional, so please consult one if you feel you're doing something wrong or could potentially injure yourself.

 * This post may contain affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, it won’t cost you a penny more, but I’ll earn a small commission. This allows me to continue to generate content for you, and helps keep the site up and running. Thanks for your support! 

get fit with britt // lower abs

Welcome back to Get Fit with Britt! I'm going to be posting some demos of my fave exercises taught at Pure Barre Williamsburg, with the help of their awesome instructors. Pure Barre is a fast, effective, and most importantly, safe way to change your body, and follows a technique that's high-intensity, but low impact to protect your joints! Thanks to Pure Barre, I have been able to build long, lean (not bulky!) muscles while tapering everything in & lifting it up! For this series, we will pick a particular move, explain the focus area and correct form, then demonstrate it so you can practice at home! That way, if/when you come to the studio yourself, you'll be rocking the moves & way ahead of the game ;) These exercises are also a great way to get fit at home or on-the-go! I find myself regularly using Pure Barre exercises during my hotel room workouts. Additionally, you can get all the outfits I'm wearing at the Pure Barre Williamsburg studio, so definitely go by if you're looking for some fun, new workout gear! Come & join me, get that healthy & strong body you've always wanted- come Get Fit with Britt!

Today's exercise focuses on the abs. People are always curious how I get such toned abdominal muscles, and it's definitely a body part I work hard at and am proud of. Pure Barre has a nice focus on core work, and this exercise is one in particular that is key to getting a flat & toned tummy. In addition, a strong midsection can help stabilize and protect your lower back, while giving you the bikini confidence you crave. Leg drops and leg raises create a challenging yet effective exercise, and holding the legs at your lowest point of control will have you really feeling the burn. Be sure to keep your lower back pressed into the ground the entire time for best results, and do 3 sets of 8-12 reps each.

*I am not a trainer or health professional, so please consult one if you feel you're doing something wrong or could potentially injure yourself.

get fit with britt // deep abs

Welcome back to Get Fit with Britt! I'm going to be posting some demos of my fave exercises taught at Pure Barre Williamsburg, with the help of their awesome instructors. Pure Barre is a fast, effective, and most importantly, safe way to change your body, and follows a technique that's high-intensity, but low impact to protect your joints! Thanks to Pure Barre, I have been able to build long, lean (not bulky!) muscles while tapering everything in & lifting it up! For this series, we will pick a particular move, explain the focus area and correct form, then demonstrate it so you can practice at home! That way, if/when you come to the studio yourself, you'll be rocking the moves & way ahead of the game ;) These exercises are also a great way to get fit on-the-go! I find myself regularly using Pure Barre exercises during my hotel room workouts. Additionally, you can get all the outfits I'm wearing at the Pure Barre Williamsburg studio, so definitely go by if you're looking for some fun, new workout gear! Come & join me, get that healthy & strong body you've always wanted- come Get Fit with Britt!

Today's exercise focuses on abs, specifically that deep, under layer of abs that can be tricky to reach. Slide your mat about a quarter of the way up the wall, and lean up against it, forming a C curve with your spine. In this slouched position, you are really able to isolate your deepest of abs, effectively toning them just as you do the top layer. Be sure to keep your abs pulled in (navel to spine!) and hips tucked under. Try to keep tension in the tube by pressing out with your hand, and add an exhale along with each bend-stretch of your leg. This personally helps me keep focused and allows me to really target my deep core! Length is more important than height in this position, so it's more beneficial to keep your leg straight but lower, as opposed to bent and higher! Repeat this cycle three times with each leg. 

*I am not a trainer or health professional, so please consult one if you feel you're doing something wrong or could potentially injure yourself.