britt's picks // herbalist & acupuncturist

If you’re looking for an herbalist and/or acupunturist in NYC, I cannot recommend Paul Kempisty enough. I first started seeing Paul a few years ago, when I was struggling to regulate my menstrual and ovulation cycles in the hopes of one day becoming pregnant. He came highly recommended by multiple friends, and I’m so glad that I ended up going to see him at his practice in Soho. If you’re not familiar, acupuncture is the stimulation of sensitive and powerful acu-points around the body with filiform needles, and has been practiced for thousands of years. Modern science believes that the positive effects on health are achieved by stimulation of the nervous system which in turn regulates the immune system, hormone function, causes pain reduction and so much more.

I’ll admit that I was initially a bit wary of the entire process- I had never gotten acupuncture before, and didn’t know what to expect. But Paul is extremely passionate and knowledgable, and made me feel comfortable throughout the entire treatment process. I love that after meeting with a patient and determining their individual needs and goals, Paul works with you to construct a comprehensive treatment and education plan that works best for you. Not to mention his impressive resume- Before pursuing his formal acupuncture education, he studied aromatherapy and Reiki, eventually becoming a Reiki Master. Paul has a Master's Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, studied advanced herbal medicine with a Daoist priest in New York City’s Chinatown, and even traveled to China to continue studying in the specialties of Oncology and Gynecology!

It’s Paul’s belief that what we put into our bodies makes a significant impact on our immediate and long term experience of life and health, and because of this, he has shared herbs, dietary advice and vitamin supplements with his patients from the very beginning of his career. I enjoyed getting to experience the effects of both acupuncture and herbs, and found them to work together in harmony for the body. It’s pretty remarkable how the right combinations can have such incredible results for so many different conditions.

Since herbs are clearly a passion of Paul’s, I’m happy to say that he recently launched his own line of herbal remedies, Peekay’s Herbs, which offer effective herbal formulations for the entire family. I’ve gotten the opportunity to try several of his custom blends, and from the Calm Down (provides stress, sleep & mood support) to the Eleven Mushrooms for Fun Guys & Gals (a great overall remedy for immune support, energy levels & mental serenity) to the Let’s Make a Baby (which provides fertility support for men & women) , there’s truly something for every ailment. Plus, he even makes gentle herbal remedies for kids, which came in handy when my son came down with a cold recently. The Kid’s Cold & Flu and Seasonal Support tinctures helped reduce his symptoms, and not to mention, he absolutely loved the flavor! Definitely check out Peekay’s if you’re looking to add some effective herbal remedies to your medicine cabinet!

fave products // babor cleansing hy-öl & phyto-active sensitive

Come wintertime, I like to take my skincare to the next level with a super gentle and hydrating oil cleanser. You may have heard about the popular “double cleansing” method by now. It originated in Korea, and typically involves an oil cleanser to help remove makeup, sunscreen, city pollution, and anything else your skin may have accumulated throughout the day. At first I was a bit hesitant to try it out- it seemed like it could dry out my skin and strip it of the good oils it needs! However, I needn’t have worried. Once I started researching, I came across Babor Cleansing Hy-Öl and Phyto-Active Sensitive Cleansers, which looked like the perfect mix of water, plant-based oils, and essential vitamins to nourish the skin rather than deplete it. You start with a few pumps of the Hy-Öl and massage it into dry skin. Then add a pump or two of the Phyto-Active, spreading it evenly across your face. Next wet your fingers a bit, and create a smooth lather of the two on your skin. Rinse and pat dry! I’ve been loving how my skin feels after using this cleansing system, super soft and refreshed. Babor even makes a few different Phyto-Active Cleansers, so you can choose the best fit for your skin type, whether that’s sensitive, dry, dull, or combination. If you’re looking to switch up your cleanser this winter, I definitely recommend checking out Babor products for calm and youthful, glowing skin!

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