fave products // glo skin beauty bio-renew EGF drops & cream

Hi y’all! I’m back after taking most of the summer off from blogging & posting- it was a busy one over here with work stuff, baby stuff, toddler stuff… You know the drill! Fear not, however, as I’ve been testing fun new products along the way regardless ;) Glo Skin Beauty is a new-to-me brand that comes highly recommended from dermatologists, and actually got its start in the treatment room 20+ years ago. They recently launched some innovative products that caught my eye, so I jumped at the chance to try them out. Formulated in partnership with leading NYC dermatologist Dr. Dendy Engelmen, these products utilize EGF, an epidermal growth factor that promotes cellular repair and also happens to be 100% vegan! The Glo Skin Beauty Bio-Renew EGF Drops are formulated as a serum that work to restore, strengthen and rejuvenate the skin. Cell regeneration is accelerated, leaving you with overall smoother, glowier skin. Plus, the drops contain a multi-peptide complex that minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, all while hyaluronic acid adds ample hydration! Sign me up! I’ve been using the product for a few weeks now, and I have to say I’m super pleased with the way my skin is reacting: my skin barrier feels (and looks!) rejuvenated and more hydrated. Feel free to start slowly incorporating this into your routine by mixing a few drops into your other moisturizers or serums for a boost of restorative benefits. Or you can choose to use it full strength as a solo reparative serum- your choice!

Following the EGF Drops, I’ve been finishing my skincare regimen with the Glo Skin Beauty Bio-Renew EGF Cream (a Dermstore exclusive!). This newly launched moisturizer is a next-generation, skin barrier repairing treatment that’s clinically proven to deliver stronger, brighter, smoother, and firmer skin in just one month (!). Along with the vegan epidermal growth factor, the cream contains a phyto-retinol complex, which is a plant-based retinol alternative that is safe for use while pregnant and breastfeeding. It has many of the same benefits of retinol, but without all those nasty side effects. During pregnancy, I’m all about a product that can work it’s retinol-magic without containing potentially harmful ingredients, so this was a big bonus for me. After a few weeks of using the EGF Cream, my skin looks more even-toned, less dull, and more glowy all around! Not to mention that smooth, baby’s bottom texture! I definitely recommend trying these out, pregnant or not! They’d make a stellar addition to any top shelf.

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fave products // obagi elastiderm facial serum

Obagi newbie here. This brand is new to me, but one that has piqued my interest for a while now. A little background: Obagi dedicated to utilizing formulations backed by skin care science and innovation. They offer powerful formulas that not only focus on restoring the skin, but promoting overall skin health each and every day. They can help out with a variety of concerns including acne, discoloration, dry and aging skin. I love a highly effective serum, and as I near my mid-thirties, anti-aging products that work their magic are super appealing to me ;)

Enter Obagi Medical ELASTIderm Facial Serum. The main goal of this serum is to support skin elasticity and improve signs of skin bounce back. It’s formulated with patented Bi-Mineral Contour Complex™, a super scientific-sounding ingredient that harnesses two minerals, zinc and copper, with malonate for firmer-looking, more resilient skin. Ingredients are suspended with FlexFluid™ technology, creating a soft, elegant and lightweight product experience that increases signs of skin elasticity in just 24 hours. If you’ve been experiencing that “crepey” looking skin, or struggle with any other issues related to aging skin, I definitely recommend adding the Obagi ELASTIderm Facial Serum to your routine. I’ve been using it morning and night, on a clean, toned face and neck, and it absorbs quite nicely and makes for a nice base for your next step of moisturizer or face oil. I’ve definitely noticed a positive change after just a few weeks of using it, so I think it’s safe to say it’s earned its place on my top shelf! Plus, this pairs lovely with the Obagi ELASTiderm Eye Serum as well, so check it out!

 * This post may contain affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, it won’t cost you a penny more, but I’ll earn a small commission. This allows me to continue to generate content for you, and helps keep the site up and running. Thanks for your support!